Acorn Automated Package Decoration on Import

Although the most commonly used (and largest) packages have been manually set-up and corrected for acorn, it would be painful for a user to create a new sub-package in the acorn distribution for every package that ever needs to be decorated. Considering that any pure python package will decorate without any problems, it would be nice if any package could just be decorated automatically.

acorn includes a special module finder AcornMetaImportFinder that intercepts all calls to import and can decorate packages “on the fly”. The only necessity is that the package have its name placed in the [acorn.packages] section of the Global and Package Configuration in ACORN file. Then the package can just be imported using:

import acorn.package

where package is the name of the package. acorn intercepts the imports by using the sys.meta_path hook and inserting the acorn module finder in the first position of the list.

API Documentation

Class for altering the search paths within acorn for new/undecorated packages (i.e., those that weren’t checked explicitly when it was first designed.

class acorn.importer.AcornDecoratingLoader(package)[source]

Loads packages that need to be decorated for automatic logging by acorn.

Parameters:package (str) – name of the package being loaded.
class acorn.importer.AcornMetaImportFinder(prefix='acorn')[source]

Overrides the default import behavior of python for packages so that we can intercept and decorate certain packages, but not others.

Parameters:prefix (str) – prefix on import full names before they are considered loadable by acorn. Also available as an attribute.
class acorn.importer.AcornStandardLoader(package)[source]

Loads packages without decoration, but with the correct flags enabled so that if those packages imported acorn decorated ones, they don’t run all the logging machinery during imports.

acorn.importer.hooks = []

list – of package names that have already been intercepted by our loader/decorator. This allows us to skip them the next time they are imported (by our scripts) so that we don’t get into an infinite loop.


Imports and decorates the package with the specified name.


Reloads the configuration file settings for which packages to decorate.