Source code for liveserial.plotting

"""Methods for plotting the real-time data feed.
from liveserial.base import testmode
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib

#We have to fiddle with the backends for Windows and Unix-based, otherwise we
#get unhandled exceptions or program-stopped working problems.
import os
if != "nt":
    matplotlib.use("Agg" if testmode else "TkAgg")

from liveserial import msg
import numpy as np
from threading import Timer

[docs]def colorspace(size, cmap=cm.winter): """Returns an cycler over a linear color space with 'size' entries. :arg int size: the number of colors to define in the space. :returns: iterable cycler with 'size' colors. :rtype: itertools.cycle """ from itertools import cycle import numpy as np rbcolors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, size)) return (rbcolors, cycle(rbcolors))
[docs]class Plotter(animation.TimedAnimation): """Plots the live stream for each of the sensors in a subplot. Args: livefeed (monitor.LiveDataFeed): data feed with the latest data points to plot. Also an attribute on the class instance. interval (int): how often (in milliseconds) to redraw the plot with the latest plot values. maxlen (int): maximum number of time points kept for each subplot. window (float): width of the plot window for sensors. testmode (bool): when True, the animator is not initialized so that a backend isn't required to run the unit tests. logger (log.Logger): logger instance for interacting with config parameters. Attributes: lines (dict): of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` being animated with the serial data; keyed by the sensor identifiers. axes (dict): of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` being animated with the serial data; keyed by the sensor identifiers. ts (dict): of lists of the last `maxlen` sensor timestamp readings. ys (dict): of lists of the last `maxlen` sensor value readings. Keys for this dict are sensor names if only one value is specified in the sensor's `value_index` config option; otherwise, the keys are `(sensor, vindex)` tuple, where `vindex` is the zero-based, integer column index being plotted. """ def __init__(self, livefeed, interval, maxlen=100, window=20, testmode=False, logger=None): self.livefeed = livefeed self.interval = interval self.maxlen = maxlen self.window = window self.testmode = testmode self.logger = logger self.lines = {} self.axes = {} self.ts = {} self.ys = {} self._vindices = {} """Keys are sensor names; values are lists of value_index options from the configuration of each sensor. """ self._plotorder = [] """Sensor keys, ordered alphabetically; this is the order in which the subplots show up in the figure. """ self._timer = None """Timer for unit testing the plotting code data acquisition. """ #Find out how many subplots we will need; sort their keys for plotting. self._plotorder = sorted(self.livefeed.cur_data.keys(), key=lambda k: str(k)) self._vindices = {s: self.logger.sensor_option(s, "value_index", [1]) for s in self._plotorder} if len(self._plotorder) == 0: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Live feed has no sensor data keys. " "Can't setup plotting. Try fiddling with the " "`-wait` parameter.") #For the plot styling, we use the config files. Logger has access to the #config file setting, so we just use that. from liveserial.config import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.lines import Line2D #We are going to use a common time axis figopts = plot(self.logger.config, "figure") axesopts = plot(self.logger.config, "axes") if "figsize" not in figopts: figopts["figsize"] = (12, 3*len(self.livefeed.cur_data)) else: figopts["figsize"] = tuple(map(float,figopts["figsize"].split(','))) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(self.livefeed.cur_data), 1, sharex=True, squeeze=False, subplot_kw=axesopts, **figopts) from itertools import cycle from collections import deque totlines = sum([len(v) for v in self._vindices.values()]) cspace = cycle(colorspace(totlines)[0]) lineopts = plot(self.logger.config, "line") labelopts = plot(self.logger.config, "label") from six import string_types for isense, sensor in enumerate(self._plotorder): axes[isense,0].set_xlabel('t', **labelopts) if isinstance(sensor, string_types): label = self.logger.sensor_option(sensor, "label", sensor) port = self.logger.sensor_option(sensor, "port") if port is not None: if port == "aggregate": ylabel = "{} (agg.)".format(label) else: ylabel = "{} ({})".format(label, port) else: # pragma: no cover ylabel = label axes[isense,0].set_ylabel(ylabel, **labelopts) else: axes[isense,0].set_ylabel("Auto {}".format(isense + 1), **labelopts) legends = None if len(self._vindices[sensor]) > 1: legends = self.logger.sensor_option(sensor, "legends") for vi, vindex in enumerate(self._vindices[sensor]): if legends is not None: legend = legends[vi] else: legend = None line = Line2D([], [], color=next(cspace), linewidth=2, label=legend, **lineopts) axes[isense,0].add_line(line) axes[isense,0].set_xlim((0, window + 2.5)) self.lines[(sensor, vindex)] = line self.ys[(sensor, vindex)] = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen) self.ts[sensor] = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen) self.axes[sensor] = axes[isense, 0] if legends is not None: self.axes[sensor].legend() tickopts = plot(self.logger.config, "ticks") if len(tickopts) > 0: plt.tick_params(**tickopts) from os import name if not self.testmode: # pragma: no cover if name != "nt": #Mac doesn't support blitting yet with its backends, so we have to #do the costly redraw at every iteration. animation.TimedAnimation.__init__(self, fig, blit=False) else: #If blitting is enabled, the plot labels don't update with #auto-scaling. Since our machines are fast enough, we make it #true by default. The user can override it using an option in #the config file if they need the extra speed. animopts = plot(self.logger.config, "animation") if "blit" not in animopts: blit = False else: blit = animopts["blit"] == "1" animation.TimedAnimation.__init__(self, fig, blit=blit) else: self._init_draw() self.new_frame_seq() self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._draw_frame, (0,)) self._timer.start()"Plotting animation configured.", 2) def new_frame_seq(self): return iter(range(self.maxlen)) def _draw_frame(self, iframe): """Draws the latest frame for each sensor on the relevant plot. """ for sensor in self._plotorder: #First, we get the latest data point from the live feed. ldata = self.livefeed.read_data(sensor) if len(ldata) < 2: # pragma: no cover #We don't have anything reasonable to plot; exit gracefully. continue t = ldata[0] self.ts[sensor].append(t) for vindex in self._vindices[sensor]: self.ys[(sensor, vindex)].append(ldata[vindex]) ts, ys = self.ts[sensor], self.ys[(sensor, vindex)] self.lines[(sensor, vindex)].set_data(ts, ys) if t > self.window: # pragma: no cover # We don't want the tests to run long enough for this window to # kick in (at least for the moment). self.axes[sensor].set_xlim((self.ts[sensor][0], t + 2.5)) self.axes[sensor].relim() # reset intern limits of the current axes self.axes[sensor].autoscale_view() # reset axes limits self._drawn_artists = self.lines.values() if self.testmode: self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._draw_frame, (0,)) self._timer.start() def _init_draw(self): """Initializes all the subplot line objects to be empty.""" for l in self.lines.values(): l.set_data([], [])
[docs] def stop(self): """Cleans up the timer when the plotter is running in test mode. """ if self._timer: self._timer.cancel()