Source code for liveserial.config

"""Method for sharing global sensor and port configuration values between
import serial
portdefaults = {
    "port_baud": 9600,
    "port_stopbits": serial.STOPBITS_ONE,
    "port_parity": serial.PARITY_NONE,
    "port_timeout":  0.01,
    "virtual": False,
    "delimiter": r"\s",
    "encoding": "UTF-8"
"""dict: default parameters passed to the :class:`serial.Serial` constructor for
communicating with the serial port.

def _get_parser(config):
    """Returns a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` instance for the specified

        config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the sensor list
          and port information. `str` is also allowed, in which case it
          should be the path to the config file to load.
        from configparser import ConfigParser
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
        #Renaming of modules to lower case in python 3.
        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

    if isinstance(config, str):
        parser = ConfigParser()
    else: # pragma: no cover
        parser = config               

    return parser
_sensors = {}
"""dict: keys are sensor names, values are :class:`liveserial.config.Sensor`
_sensors_parsed = False
"""bool: when True, we have already scanned the config file for sensor
def _load_sensors(config):
    """Loads all the sensors from the specified config file.

        config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the sensor list.
          `str` is also allowed, in which case it
          should be the path to the config file to load.
    global _sensors, _sensors_parsed
    if not _sensors_parsed:
        parser = _get_parser(config)
        if parser is not None:
            #Now that we have the thread, we can add configuration for each of the
            #sensors in the config file.
            from fnmatch import fnmatch
            for section in parser.sections():
                if fnmatch(section, "sensor.*"):
                    name = section[len("sensor."):]
                    _sensors[name] = Sensor(None,name,**dict(parser.items(section)))
        _sensors_parsed = True
[docs]def sensors(config, sensor=None, port=None, monitor=None): """Returns the list of :class:`liveserial.config.Sensor` instances that have the specified port. Args: config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the sensor list and port information. `str` is also allowed, in which case it should be the path to the config file to load. port (str): name of the port to configure for. """ _load_sensors(config) global _sensors if port is not None: result = {} for sensor_n, instance in _sensors.items(): if instance.port == port: instance.monitor = monitor if monitor is not None: instance.port = monitor.port result[sensor_n] = instance elif sensor is not None: if sensor in _sensors: result = _sensors[sensor] else: result = None return result
_ports = {} """dict: keys are port names, values are updated parameter dictionaries that can be passed to the :class:`liveserial.monitor.ComMonitorThread` constructor. """ _ports_parsed = False """bool: when True, we have already examined the config file for port settings. """ def _load_ports(config): """Loads the configured port information from the specified configuraton. """ global _ports, _ports_parsed if not _ports_parsed: parser = _get_parser(config) if parser is None: # pragma: no cover _ports_parsed = True return from fnmatch import fnmatch for section in parser.sections(): if fnmatch(section, "port.*"): name = section[len("port."):] else: # pragma: no cover continue params = portdefaults.copy() for option, value in params.items(): #Override the value using the config value unless it doesn't #exist. if parser.has_option(section, option): params[option] = parser.get(section, option) #Python's bool is interesting because bool('0') => True. So, we test #explicitly here for the option value the user set. import re if not isinstance(params["virtual"], bool): if re.match(r"\b\d+\b", params["virtual"]): params["virtual"] = bool(int(params["virtual"])) elif re.match(r"[a-z]", params["virtual"][0], re.I): params["virtual"] = params["virtual"][0].lower() == 't' _ports[name] = params _ports_parsed = True
[docs]def ports(config, port): """Returns the port configuration dictionary for the specified port name. Args: config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the port information. `str` is also allowed, in which case it should be the path to the config file to load. port (str): name of the port to return configuration for. """ _load_ports(config) if port in _ports: return _ports[port] else: # pragma: no cover return portdefaults.copy()
_script = {} """dict: keys are command-line arguments usually accepted by the script when it is run. Values are configured option values from the config file. """ _script_parsed = False """bool: when True, the script options have been parsed already. """
[docs]def script(config): """Returns the config options configured globally for the script. Args: config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the port information. `str` is also allowed, in which case it should be the path to the config file to load. """ global _script, _script_parsed if not _script_parsed: parser = _get_parser(config) if parser is not None: for section in parser.sections(): if section == "global": _script = dict(parser.items("global")) #We also need to handle the types, since all the options are just #strings by default. from liveserial.livemon import script_options for name in _script: optname = "-{}".format(name) if optname in script_options and "type" in script_options[optname]: caster = script_options[optname]["type"] _script[name] = caster(_script[name]) _script_parsed = True return _script
def _config_split(value, delim, cast=None): """Splits the specified value using `delim` and optionally casting the resulting items. Args: value (str): config option to split. delim (str): string to split the option value on. cast (function): to apply to each item after the split operation. """ if value is None: return if delim is None: # pragma: no cover vals = value.split() else: vals = value.split(delim) if cast is not None: return list(map(cast, vals)) else: return vals _plot = {} """dict: of plot options; keys are ['line', 'axes', 'figure', 'label', 'ticks']; values are dicts of matplotlib option values. """ _plot_parsed = False """bool: when True, we have parsed plot options already. """
[docs]def plot(config, element): """Returns the matplotlib configuration options for the specified plotting element. Args: config (ConfigParser): instance from which to extract the port information. `str` is also allowed, in which case it should be the path to the config file to load. element (str): one of ['line', 'axes', 'figure', 'label', 'ticks']; specifies which part of the plot the options will apply to. """ global _plot, _plot_parsed if not _plot_parsed: parser = _get_parser(config) if parser is not None: from fnmatch import fnmatch for section in parser.sections(): if fnmatch(section, "plot.*"): name = section[len("plot."):] else: # pragma: no cover continue _plot[name] = dict(parser.items(section)) _plot_parsed = True if element in _plot: return _plot[element] else: return {}
[docs]def reset_config(): """Resets the global config variables so that a session can be continued with a new config file. """ global _sensors, _ports, _plot, _script global _sensors_parsed, _ports_parsed, _plot_parsed, _script_parsed _sensors = {} _sensors_parsed = False _ports = {} _ports_parsed = False _plot = {} _plot_parsed = False _script = {} _script_parsed = False
def _parse_transform(function): """Parses the transform function's fqdn to return the function that can actually transform the data. """ if "numpy" in function: # pragma: no cover import numpy as np return eval(function)
[docs]class Sensor(object): """Represents the configuration of a sensor on the serial port. Args: monitor (ComMonitorThread): parent instance that this sensor is being logged with. name (str): name of the sensor in the configuration file. key (str): sensor key as it will be written to the serial stream, or `None` if there isn't a key in the stream (i.e., only values). value_index (list): column index/indices of the value that will be plotted. dtype (list): of `str` or `type`; items must belong to ['key', int, float, str]. Represents the order in which values are found in a single line of data read from the serial port. Thus `W 129229 0.928379` would be given by ["key", int, float]. label (str): for plots, what to put on the y-axis. Defaults to `name`. port (str): name of the port to read this sensor from. Defaults to :data:`ComMonitorThread.port`. logging (str): comma-separated list of columns indices (zero-based) to include in the log file. If not specified, then the default is to include *all* data columns in the log file. columns (str): comma-separated list of columns headings for the CSV file; these are written in the first row of the file. If excluded, they default to `Time` and `Value1`, `Value2`, etc. legends (str): if the comma-separated list in `value_index` includes more than one index, multiple lines are plotted on the same subplot. In that case, `legends` allows a comma-separated list of legend labels to be provided for each of those lines. sensors (str): comma-separated list of sensor names to include in the data vector that will be passed to `function` to be aggregated to a single value. This only applies to the case of aggregate sensors. function (str): name of a function to use to transform the data. Only applies to the case of aggregate sensors. kwargs (dict): additional keyword arguments supported that do not require special processing (i.e., are just simple string values). Attributes: options (dict): additional keyword arguments (or configurable options) for the sensor. """ def __init__(self, monitor, name, key=None, value_index=None, dtype=["key", "int", "float"], label=None, port=None, logging=None, columns=None, legends=None, function=None, sensors=None, **kwargs): self.monitor = monitor = name self.key = key #We analyze the string values set for the dtypes to return the python #`types` that can cast strings to actual type values. self.dtype = [] self._keyloc = None from six import string_types if isinstance(dtype, string_types): dtype = dtype.split(',') for i, sentry in enumerate(dtype): if sentry == "key": self._keyloc = i if key is None and port != "aggregate": #For aggregate ports, we relax this condition since the #sensors being aggregated have the dtypes specified #correctly. raise ValueError("You must specify a sensor key if 'key' " "is in the 'dtype' option list.") else: caster = eval(sentry) self.dtype.append(caster) self.value_index = _config_split(value_index, ',', int) self.label = name if label is None else label self.port = monitor.port if port is None else port self.logging = _config_split(logging, ',', int) self.columns = _config_split(columns, ',') self.legends = _config_split(legends, ',') self.sensors = _config_split(sensors, ',') if function is not None: self.transform = _parse_transform(function) else: self.transform = None self.options = kwargs def _cast(self, raw): """Casts all the values in the given list to their relevant data types. Assumes that the list has the correct format. Args: vals (list): string values from the split line to cast. """ if (len(raw) != len(self.dtype) + (1 if self._keyloc is not None else 0)): # pragma: no cover return try: vals = [] for iv, v in enumerate(raw): if iv != self._keyloc: vals.append(self.dtype[len(vals)](v)) #Previously, we were changing the order of the columns based on the #value index to make it easier for the plotter. Since we allow #multiple values to be plotted on the same subplot now, it is easier #to just not mangle them in the first place. return vals except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return None
[docs] def parse(self, raw): """Parses a single line read from the serial port and returns a tuple of values. Args: raw (list): of split ASCII-encoded strings from the serial port. Returns: list: of values parsed using :attr:`Sensor.dtype` casting. None: if the `key` was not found in the correct location. """ result = None if self._keyloc is not None: if raw[self._keyloc] == self.key: result = self._cast(raw) elif self.key is None: result = self._cast(raw) return result