Source code for gblearn.lammps

"""Functions for interacting with LAMMPS dump files.
import numpy as np
from gblearn import msg

[docs]def make_lattice(box): """Constructs a lattice array compatible with ASE using the box dimensions specified in a lammps format. This was contributed by Jonathan Priedeman. Args: box (numpy.ndarray): box dimensions in cartesian directions in format `lo` `hi`. Shape `(3, 2)`. Also supports tricilinic boxes when shape `(3, 3)` is specified. """ from quippy.atoms import make_lattice if box.shape == (3, 3): # Describes the # methodology (look for the section entitled "6.12. Triclinic # (non-orthogonal) simulation boxes") The [a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma] # vector can be passed to the ase.Atoms object as a definition for the # triclinic box (note that the quippy.Atoms class inherits from # ase.Atoms) Make sure that you note that the data is provided: # # ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xy xz yz .... # xlo_bound xhi_bound xy # ylo_bound yhi_bound xz # zlo_bound zhi_bound yz # # whereas we need xlo, xhi, etc. not xlo_bound, xhi_bound, etc. xlo = box[0][0] - min(0.0, box[0][2], box[1][2], box[0][2] + box[1][2]) xhi = box[0][1] - max(0.0, box[0][2], box[1][2], box[0][2] + box[1][2]) ylo = box[1][0] - min(0.0, box[2][2]) yhi = box[1][1] - max(0.0, box[2][2]) zlo = box[2][0] zhi = box[2][1] a = (xhi - xlo) b = np.sqrt((yhi - ylo)**2 + (box[0][2])**2) c = np.sqrt((zhi - zlo)**2 + (box[1][2])**2 + (box[2][2])**2) alpha = np.arccos((box[0][2] * box[1][2] + (yhi - ylo) * box[2][2]) / (b * c)) beta = np.arccos(box[1][2] / c) gamma = np.arccos(box[0][2] / b) return make_lattice(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) elif box.shape == (3, 2): return make_lattice(box[0][1] - box[0][0], box[1][1] - box[1][0], box[2][1] - box[2][0]) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected box size/parameters: {}".format(box))
[docs]class Dump(object): """Represents a dump file that could potentially have more than one timestep. Args: filepath (str): full path to the LAMMPS dump file to extract the time step from. stepfilter (list): of `int` timestep values that *should* be parsed. If the next timestep encountered is not in this list, it will be ignored. Attributes: steps (dict): keys are `int` timestep ids; values are :class:`Timestep`. """ def __init__(self, filepath, stepfilter=None): from os import path self.filepath = path.abspath(path.expanduser(filepath)) self.steps = {} with open(self.filepath) as f: t = Timestep(self.filepath, None, f, stepfilter) while len(t) > 0: self.steps[t.index] = t t = Timestep(self.filepath, None, f, stepfilter) def __len__(self): return len(self.steps) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.steps.items()) def __contains__(self, ts): return ts in self.steps def __getitem__(self, ts): return self.steps[ts] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Dump): return False return all(a == b for a, b in zip(self, other))
[docs] def dump(self, filename, mode='w', rebox=False): """Dumps the specified structure to file in the LAMMPS format. Args: filename (str): target path for saving the timestep. mode (str): file read/write mode; defaults to new file. rebox (bool): when True, the box is recalculated from the current set of atomic positions. """ from os import path filepath = path.abspath(path.expanduser(filename)) if mode == 'w': open(filepath, 'w').close() for t, ts in self: ts.dump(filename, rebox=rebox)
[docs]class Timestep(object): """Represents a single time step in a LAMMPS dump file. Args: filepath (str): full path to the LAMMPS dump file to extract the time step from. index (int): index of the time step in the dump file. openf (file): open file object for sequential instantiation of multiple time steps. stepfilter (list): of `int` timestep values that *should* be parsed. If the next timestep encountered is not in this list, it will be ignored. Attributes: types (numpy.ndarray): integer types of the atoms in the list. ids (numpy.ndarray): integer atom ids; has same length as `len(self)`. xyz (numpy.ndarray): with shape (len(self), 3); float positions of the atoms in the time step. periodic (list): of `bool` specifying whether the `x`, `y`, or `z` directions are periodic (for the box). box (numpy.ndarray): with shape (3, 2) specifying the `lo` and `hi` bounds of the box in each direction. The box can also have shape (3, 3) to support non-orthogonal box vectors. extras (list): of `str` indicating extra atomic parameters that are available in this time step. """ def __init__(self, filepath, index=0, openf=None, stepfilter=None): self.filepath = filepath self.index = index raw = self._read(openf, stepfilter) #We should at least have time, type, id, xyz, box, periodic; otherwise #this is an incomplete dump file. if len(raw) < 6: self.types = [] self.ids = [] = [] = None self.periodic = None self.extras = None return self.types = np.array(raw["type"], int) self.ids = np.array(raw["id"], int) = np.array(raw["xyz"]) self.extras = ["ids"] for key in raw: if "atom:" not in key: continue quant = key.split(':')[1] if quant == "ids": setattr(self, quant, np.array(raw[key])) continue self.extras.append(quant) setattr(self, quant, np.array(raw[key])) self.periodic = tuple(map(lambda p: p == "pp", raw["periodic"])) = np.array(raw["box"]) if len( != raw["natoms"]:# pragma: no cover wmsg = "File {} did not have as many atoms ({}/{}) as specified." msg.warn(wmsg.format(self.filepath), len(, raw["natoms"]) def __len__(self): return len( def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Timestep): return False return (np.allclose(, and np.allclose(self.ids, other.ids) and np.allclose(self.types, other.types) and self.extras == other.extras and np.allclose(, and self.periodic == other.periodic)
[docs] def gb(self, Z=None, method="median", pattr="c_csd", extras=True, soapargs={}, **kwargs): """Returns the grain boundary for this time step. Args: Z (int or list): element code(s) for the atomic species. method (str): one of ['median']. pattr (str): name of an attribute in :attr:`extras` to pass as the selection parameter of the routine. extras (bool): when True, include extra attributes in the new GB structure. soapargs (dict): initialization parameters for the :class:`gblearn.soap.SOAPCalculator` instance for the GB. kwargs (dict): additional arguments passed to the atom selection function. For `median`, see :func:`gblearn.selection.median` for the arguments. For `cna*` see :func:`gblearn.selection.cna_max`. Returns: instance with only those atoms that appear to be at the boundary. """ if Z is None: raise ValueError("`Z` is a required parameter for constructing a " ":class:`GrainBoundary` instance.") from import GrainBoundary selectargs = { "method": method, "pattr": pattr } selectargs.update(kwargs) ids = self.gbids(**selectargs) if extras: x = {k: getattr(self, k)[ids] for k in self.extras} else: x = None result = GrainBoundary([ids,:], self.types[ids],, Z, extras=x, selectargs=selectargs, **soapargs) return result
[docs] def gbids(self, method="median", pattr=None, **kwargs): """Returns the *indices* of the atoms that lie at the grain boundary. Args: method (str): one of ['median', 'cna', 'cna_z']. pattr (str): name of an attribute in :attr:`extras` to pass as the selection parameter of the routine. kwargs (dict): additional arguments passed to the atom selection function. For `median`, see :func:`gblearn.selection.median` for the arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: of integer indices of atoms in this timestep that are considered to lie on the boundary. Examples: Retrieve the positions of the atoms that lie at the boundary using the median centro-symmetry parameter values. >>> from gblearn.lammps import Timestep >>> t0 = Timestep("lammps.dump") >>> ids = t0.gbids() >>> xyz =[ids,:] """ import gblearn.selection as sel from functools import partial methmap = { "median": sel.median, "cna": partial(sel.cna_max, coord=0), "cna_z": partial(sel.cna_max, coord=2) } if method in methmap: extra = getattr(self, pattr) if pattr is not None else None return methmap[method](, extra, types=self.types, **kwargs)
[docs] def dump(self, filename, mode='a', rebox=False): """Dumps the specified structure to file in the LAMMPS format. Args: filename (str): target path for saving the timestep. mode (str): file read/write mode; defaults to append. rebox (bool): when True, the box is recalculated from the current set of atomic positions. """ with open(filename, mode) as f: f.write("ITEM: TIMESTEP\n") f.write("{}\n".format(self.index)) f.write("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n") f.write("{0:d}\n".format(len(self))) speriod = ' '.join([("pp" if p else "ss") for p in self.periodic]) f.write("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS {}\n".format(speriod)) if rebox: from gblearn.selection import extent minmax = [extent(, i) for i in range(3)] else: minmax = for i in range(len(minmax)): f.write("{0:.4f} {1:.4f}\n".format(*minmax[i])) xheads = ' '.join(self.extras) f.write("ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z {}\n".format(xheads)) #We need to generate a format string for all the extra quantities. xfmtstr = ' ' xfmt = [] for ix, x in enumerate(self.extras): dtype = type(getattr(self, x)[0]) if dtype is np.int64: xfmt.append("{{{0:d}:d}}".format(ix+5)) elif dtype is np.float64: xfmt.append("{{{0:d}:.5e}}".format(ix+5)) xfmtstr += ' '.join(xfmt) atomfmt = "{0:d} {1:d} {2:.5f} {3:.5f} {4:.5f}" atomfmt += "{}\n".format(xfmtstr) for iatom, xyz in enumerate( #1 4 -65.9625 1.54915 1.46824 5 30.976 sid, atype = self.ids[iatom], self.types[iatom] x, y, z = xyz xvals = [getattr(self, xname)[iatom] for xname in self.extras] f.write(atomfmt.format(sid, atype, x, y, z, *xvals))
def _read(self, openf=None, stepfilter=None): """Reads the defining items from the dump file for the timestep configured in this object. Args: openf (file): if this timestep is being read in from a higher-level routine, an open file object to read from. This allows sequential time steps to be read without re-seeking over parts of the file. Returns: dict: with keys ['type', 'id', 'xyz', 'atom:{}'...], where the 'atom:{}' keys are for extra labelled quantities in the dump file that are applicable to each atom. """ itemstack = [] current = None result = {} xkeys = None timeskip = False laststep = False if openf is None: f = open(self.filepath) else: f = openf line = 'start' while line != '': lastpos = f.tell() line = f.readline() if line == '': continue if itemstack is not None and len(itemstack) > 0: cast = itemstack.pop() raw = line.split() values = [t(r) for t, r in zip(cast, raw)] if len(values) == 1: values = values[0] if current == "time": if stepfilter is not None and values not in stepfilter: timeskip = True elif (self.index is not None and values != self.index): if values > self.index: if openf is None: return {} else: timeskip = True laststep = True else: timeskip = True elif self.index is None: self.index = values else: timeskip = False if len(itemstack) == 0 and current not in result: result[current] = values else: if current not in result: result[current] = [] result[current].append(values) continue elif itemstack is None and current == "atoms": if "ITEM" in line: current = None if openf is not None: break else: #E.g. line: 1 4 -65.9625 1.54915 1.46824 5 30.976 vals = line.split() sid, atype = tuple(map(int, vals[0:2])) result["type"].append(atype) result["id"].append(sid) x, y, z = tuple(map(float, vals[2:5])) result["xyz"].append((x, y, z)) if len(vals) > 5 and xkeys is not None: for ikey, v in enumerate(vals[5:]): result[xkeys[ikey]].append(eval(v)) continue # pragma: no cover if "ITEM: TIMESTEP" in line: if laststep: break itemstack.append((int,)) current = "time" timeskip = False elif not timeskip: if "ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS" in line: itemstack.append((int,)) current = "natoms" elif "ITEM: BOX BOUNDS" in line: period = line.strip().split("BOX BOUNDS") if len(period) == 2 and period[1] != '': result["periodic"] = period[1].strip().split() else: result["periodic"] = ("ss", "ss" ,"ss") # Changes by JPRIEDS to accommodate triclinic boxes # Written 170719 if len(result["periodic"]) == 6: itemstack.extend([(float, float, float)]*3) current = "box" result["periodic"] = result["periodic"][3:] elif len(result["periodic"]) == 3: itemstack.extend([(float, float)]*3) current = "box" else: emsg = "Could not classify periodic bounds: {}" raise ValueError(emsg.format(result["periodic"])) elif "ITEM: ATOMS" in line: itemstack = None current = "atoms" result["type"] = [] result["id"] = [] result["xyz"] = [] #The first two headings in the line have "ITEM: ATOMS", the #rest are usuall id, type, x, y, z, rest... headings = line.split() extras = len(headings) > 7 if extras: xkeys = [] xheadings = headings[7:] for xhead in xheadings: key = "atom:{}".format(xhead) result[key] = [] xkeys.append(key) if openf is None: #Close the file since we opened it. f.close() return result