Source code for

"""Functions for I/O interaction of :class:``
objects and the many results they produce with disk storage.

.. note:: Whenever a new representation is added, a property getter and setter
  need to be added *with documentation* to the :class:`ResultStore`. The three
  generic getter and setter functions for numpy arrays, aggregated arrays
  and dictionaries of parameterized aggregated arrays should be sufficient to
  handle any additional representations we may come up with.
from os import path, mkdir
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from gblearn import msg
from contextlib import contextmanager
[docs]class DiskCollection(object): """For large grain boundary collections, it may not be possible to keep all SOAP matrices and their derivatives in memory at the same time for processing. In these cases, it is preferable to read a matrix in, process it, and then delete it from memory right away. Args: root (str): path to the folder where the array files are stored. gbids (list): of ids for each GB; the files should be stored as `id.npy` in the `root` directory. restricted (bool): when True, run in memory-restricted mode. Otherwise, the loaded array files are cached in memory for speedy multiple retrieval. Attributes: cache (dict): keys are GB ids in :attr:`gbids`; values are the corresponding :class:`numpy.ndarray` files. This only has values in :attr:`restricted` is False. files (dict): keys are GB ids, values are paths to the numpy array files. """ def __init__(self, root, gbids, restricted=True): from collections import OrderedDict from os import mkdir self.root = path.abspath(path.expanduser(root)) if not path.isdir(self.root): mkdir(self.root) self.files = OrderedDict([(f, path.join(self.root, "{}.npy".format(f))) for f in gbids]) self.gbids = gbids self.restricted = restricted self.cache = {} def __len__(self): return sum([1 if path.isfile(p) else 0 for p in self.files.values()]) def __setitem__(self, gbid, value): gbpath = path.join(self.root, "{}.npy".format(gbid)), value) if not self.restricted:# pragma: no cover self.cache[gbid] = value @contextmanager def __getitem__(self, key): if not self.restricted and key in self.cache:# pragma: no cover yield self.cache[key] else: target = self.files[key] if not path.isfile(target): yield None else: result = np.load(target) if not self.restricted:# pragma: no cover self.cache[key] = result yield result del result
[docs]class ResultStore(object): """Represents a collection of results for a :class:`` that can be cached because they are permanent for the particular collection. .. note:: The result store creates separate sub-folders `P_` for the full SOAP matrices of each GB; `U_` for the unique decompositions at different epsilon values; `ASR_` for the ASR representation; and `LER_` for the LER representations (tied to particular epsilon values and unique decompositions). .. note:: If any of the results (such as :attr:`P`, :attr:`U`, :attr:`ASR` or :attr:`LER`) are not saved in the store, `None` will be returned. .. note:: If `root=None` then the results will only be cached in memory and *not* to disk. Args: gbids (list): of identifiers for the individual members of the GB collection. The store makes sure that they match for a given directory so that results can be kept straight. root (str): path to the root directory for this result store. restricted (bool): when True, run in memory-restricted mode. Otherwise, the loaded array files are cached in memory for speedy multiple retrieval. soapargs (dict): arguments for the SOAP descriptor. See :class:`gblearn.soap.SOAPCalculator` for information. Attributes: root (str): path to the root directory for this result store. gbids (list): of identifiers for the individual members of the GB collection. reps (list): of `str` representation names that will be handled by the result store. soapargs (dict): arguments for the SOAP descriptor. See :class:`gblearn.soap.SOAPCalculator` for information. soapstr (list): of `str` soap arguments that are formatted to form a folder name for specific variations of the representations. """ soapstr = ["lmax", "nmax", "rcut"] reps = ["P", "U", "ASR", "LER"] def __init__(self, gbids, root=None, restricted=True, **soapargs): self.root = root self.restricted = restricted if root is not None: self.root = path.abspath(path.expanduser(root)) for r in self.reps: setattr(self, r + '_', path.join(self.root, r)) if any(a not in soapargs for a in self.soapstr): eargs = ', '.join(["`{}`".format(a) for a in self.soapstr]) emsg = "{} are required arguments for ResultStore.".format(eargs) raise ValueError(emsg) self.gbids = gbids self.soapargs = {} self.soapargs.update(soapargs) #Set the lazy initializers for each of the representations that we #handle. self._clobber_reps() #Create the directories and validate the grain boundary ids that were #passed in against any existing ones. if self.root is not None: self._setup_dirs() def _clobber_reps(self): """Resets all the cached representation values to `None`. """ for r in self.reps: setattr(self, '_' + r, None) def _setup_dirs(self): """Creates any missing directories if the store is not running in memory-only mode. """ if not path.isdir(self.root): mkdir(self.root) #Load any existing gbmap to make sure we are dealing with the same GB #collection. import json idfile = path.join(self.root, "gbids.json") if path.isfile(idfile): with open(idfile) as f: _gbids = json.load(f) #Make sure that the ids match. assert sorted(self.gbids) == sorted(_gbids) else: with open(idfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.gbids, f) dirs = ["{}_".format(r) for r in self.reps] for sdir in dirs: if not path.isdir(getattr(self, sdir)): mkdir(getattr(self, sdir)) @property def SOAP(self): """Returns the current SOAP paramater configuration. Returns: tuple: of SOAP arguments used to form the directory name for particular parameter sets. See :attr:`soapstr`. """ return tuple([self.soapargs[a] for a in self.soapstr]) @SOAP.setter def SOAP(self, value): """Sets the current SOAP parameter configuration. Args: value (dict): of key-value SOAP parameter pairs. """ self.soapargs.update(value) #Clobber all of the cached values since we undid the SOAP parameters. self._clobber_reps() @property def SOAP_str(self): """Returns the directory string for the current SOAP configuration. It is defined by `nmax_lmax_rcut`. """ if any(p is None for p in self.SOAP): raise ValueError("You can't use the result store until SOAP " "parameters have been set. Pass them to the " "constructor, or use property SOAP.") return "{0:d}_{1:d}_{2:.2f}".format(*self.SOAP) @property def P(self): """SOAP Representation for each GB in the collection. .. note:: The SOAP matrices returned will be for the currently configured values of `lmax`, `nmax` and `rcut` in the store. Returns: dict: keys are `gbid`, values are the SOAP reprentation for that particular GB. """ return self._np_get("P") @P.setter def P(self, value): """Sets the value of the SOAP representation for each of the GBs in this collection. .. warning:: You *must* make sure that the SOAP parameters for the store are set correctly before calling this method. Otherwise, the matrices will be stored in the wrong location. Args: value (dict): keys are `gbid`, values are :class:`numpy.ndarray` SOAP matrices for the GBs. """ self._np_set("P", value) def _np_get(self, attr): """Restores a :class:`numpy.ndarray` based representation collection for each GB in the result store. Args: attr (str): name of the representation being retrieved. Returns: dict: keys are gbid; values are the numpy arrays. """ cache = getattr(self, '_' + attr) if cache is not None: return cache #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: return {} rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, self.SOAP_str) result = DiskCollection(target, self.gbids, self.restricted) setattr(self, '_' + attr, result) return result def _np_set(self, attr, value): """Sets a :class:`numpy.ndarray` value for each GB in the collection. .. note:: If a root directory is set for this result store, then these values will be saved to disk. Args: attr (str): name of the representation to set values for. value (dict): keys are gbid, values are the numpy arrays to set. """ if len(value) != len(self.gbids): msg.err("The number of GBs in the specified set does not match " "the result store configuration.") return #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: setattr(self, '_' + attr, value) return rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, self.SOAP_str) if not path.isdir(target): mkdir(target) dc = DiskCollection(target, self.gbids, self.restricted) setattr(self, '_' + attr, dc) saved = [] for gbid, A in tqdm(value.items()): dc[gbid] = A saved.append(gbid) assert len(np.setdiff1d(self.gbids, saved)) == 0 @property def U(self): """Gets the value of the unique decomposition in this store. .. warning:: These value are dependent on the particular SOAP parameter set. They are saved accordingly. Returns: dict: keys are values of `epsilon`, rounded to 5 decimal places; values are those returned by :func:`~gblearn.reduced.unique`. """ return self._agg_get("U") @U.setter def U(self, value): """Sets the value of the unique decomposition in this store. It is stored according to the current SOAP parameter set. .. warning:: If a file already exists for a particular unique decomposition at a value of `eps`, it will *not* be overwritten, but skipped. Args: value (dict): keys are epsilon value controlling when two LAEs are similar; values are the same as returned by :meth:``. """ self._agg_set("U", value) def _agg_get(self, attr): """Returns a dictionary of aggregated representations for th given name. Args: attr (str): name of the representation to get values for. """ cache = getattr(self, '_' + attr) if cache is not None: return cache #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: return {} from glob import glob from gblearn.utility import chdir from cPickle import load result = {} rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, self.SOAP_str) if not path.isdir(target): return result with chdir(target): for pkl in glob("*.pkl"): seps = pkl[:-4] eps = float(seps) with open(pkl, 'rb') as f: result[eps] = load(f) setattr(self, '_' + attr, result) return result def _agg_set(self, attr, value): """Sets the value of a parameter-sensitive collection of *aggregated* representations. Args: attr (str): name of the representation to set values for. value (dict): keys are float parameter values; values are :class:`numpy.ndarray` aggregated representation. """ if getattr(self, '_' + attr) is None: setattr(self, '_' + attr, {}) getattr(self, '_' + attr).update(value) #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: return rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, self.SOAP_str) if not path.isdir(target): mkdir(target) from cPickle import dump for eps, utup in value.items(): upath = path.join(target, "{0:.5f}.pkl".format(eps)) if not path.isfile(upath): with open(upath, 'wb') as f: dump(utup, f) @property def ASR(self): """Returns the Averaged SOAP representation for this GB collection using the currently configured SOAP parameters (see :attr:`SOAP`). """ return self._single_get("ASR") @ASR.setter def ASR(self, value): """Stores the Averaged SOAP representation for this GB collection using the currently configured SOAP parameters (see :attr:`SOAP`). .. note:: If the file already exists for the ASR at the current SOAP parameters, then it will *not* be re-saved. Args: value (numpy.ndarray): ASR for the GB collection. """ self._single_set("ASR", value) def _single_get(self, attr): """Returns a representation for the GB system that is based in a single :class:`numpy.ndarray` *without* parameter dependence (except for SOAP). """ cache = getattr(self, '_' + attr) if cache is not None: return cache #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: return rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, "{}.npy".format(self.SOAP_str)) if path.isfile(target): return np.load(target) def _single_set(self, attr, value): setattr(self, '_' + attr, value) #Handle the memory-only case. if self.root is None: return rpath = getattr(self, attr + '_') target = path.join(rpath, "{}.npy".format(self.SOAP_str)) if not path.isfile(target):, value) @property def LER(self): """Gets the LER for the current SOAP configuration. Returns: dict: keys are values of `epsilon`, rounded to 5 decimal places; values are the Local Environment Representation for the GB collection. The keys in this `dict` are linked with those in :attr:`U`. """ return self._agg_get("LER") @LER.setter def LER(self, value): """Sets the LER in the store for the current SOAP configuration. Args: value (dict): keys are values of `epsilon`, rounded to 5 decimal places; values are the Local Environment Representation for the GB collection. The keys in this `dict` are linked with those in :attr:`U`. """ self._agg_set("LER", value)