Source code for aflow.utility

"""Utility functions for interacting with file system, shell, etc.
from os import path
from six import string_types
import six

def _get_reporoot():
    """Returns the absolute path to the repo root directory on the current
    from os import path
    import aflow
    apath = path.abspath(aflow.__file__)
    return path.dirname(path.dirname(apath))

[docs]def load_module(modname, modpath, search_locs=None): """Loads the module specification and returns it as a python object. Args: modname (str): name that the module should be loaded under. modpath (str): full path to the code file in which the module is defined. search_locs (str): path to search for additional submodules. """ if six.PY2:# pragma: no cover import imp result = imp.load_source(modname, modpath) return result else: from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location as specff from importlib.util import module_from_spec as modfs from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader spec = specff(modname, modpath, submodule_search_locations=search_locs) result = modfs(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(result) return result
reporoot = _get_reporoot() """The absolute path to the repo root on the local machine. """