Source code for acorn.logging.descriptors

"""Methods for describing the objects within packages that are not instantiated
by the user in the scope of `__main__`.
_package_desc = {}
"""dict: keys are package names, values are dictionaries with object FQDN as
keys, and values being a list of attributes and transform functions needed to
describe the object.

[docs]def describe(o): """Describes the object using developer-specified attributes specific to each main object type. Returns: dict: keys are specific attributes tailored to the specific object type, though `fqdn` is common to all descriptions; values are the corresponding attribute values which are *simple* types that can easily be serialized to JSON. """ #First, we need to determine the fqdn, so that we can lookup the format for #this object in the config file for the package. from inspect import getmodule from acorn.logging.decoration import _fqdn fqdn = _fqdn(o, False) if fqdn is None: #This should not have happened; if the FQDN couldn't be determined, then #we should have never logged it. return json_describe(o, str(type(o))) package = fqdn.split('.')[0] global _package_desc if package not in _package_desc: from acorn.config import descriptors spack = descriptors(package) if spack is None: _package_desc[package] = None return json_describe(o, fqdn) else: _package_desc[package] = spack if _package_desc[package] is None: return json_describe(o, fqdn) elif fqdn in _package_desc[package]: return json_describe(o, fqdn, _package_desc[package][fqdn]) else: return json_describe(o, fqdn)
def _obj_getattr(obj, fqdn, start=1): """Returns the attribute specified by the fqdn list from obj. """ node = obj for chain in fqdn.split('.')[start:]: if hasattr(node, chain): node = getattr(node, chain) else: node = None break return node def _package_transform(package, fqdn, start=1, *args, **kwargs): """Applies the specified package transform with `fqdn` to the package. Args: package: imported package object. fqdn (str): fully-qualified domain name of function in the package. If it does not include the package name, then set `start=0`. start (int): in the '.'-split list of identifiers in `fqdn`, where to start looking in the package. E.g., `numpy.linalg.norm` has `start=1` since `package=numpy`; however, `linalg.norm` would have `start=0`. """ #Our only difficulty here is that package names can be chained. We ignore #the first item since that was already checked for us by the calling #method. node = _obj_getattr(package, fqdn, start) #By the time this loop is finished, we should have a function to apply if #the developer setting up the config did a good job. if node is not None and hasattr(node, "__call__"): return node(*args, **kwargs) else: return args #It may seem clumsy now to separate all these package transforms out separately #when we could have handled this easily in _package_transform; however, it will #likely happen that slight changes need to be made on a per-package basis, so #separating them out now makes more sense. def _numpy_transform(fqdn, value): """Applies the numpy transform with the specified `fqdn` name to value. Args: fqdn (str): name of the numpy function to apply to value. value: attribute value of the original object to apply function to. """ import numpy return _package_transform(numpy, fqdn, value) def _scipy_transform(fqdn, value): """Applies the scipy transform with the specified `fqdn` name to value. Args: fqdn (str): name of the numpy function to apply to value. value: attribute value of the original object to apply function to. """ import scipy return _package_transform(scipy, fqdn, value) def _math_transform(fqdn, value): """Applies the math transform with the specified `fqdn` name to value. Args: fqdn (str): name of the numpy function to apply to value. value: attribute value of the original object to apply function to. """ import math return _package_transform(math, fqdn, value) def _instance_transform(fqdn, o, *args, **kwargs): """Applies an instance method with name `fqdn` to `o`. Args: fqdn (str): fully-qualified domain name of the object. o: object to apply instance method to. """ return _package_transform(o, fqdn, start=0, *args, **kwargs) def _array_convert(a): """Converts the specified value to a list if it is a :class:`numpy.ndarray`; otherwise it is just returned as is. """ from numpy import ndarray if isinstance(a, ndarray): larr = a.tolist() if len(larr) == 1: return larr[0] else: return larr else: return a
[docs]def json_describe(o, fqdn, descriptor=None): """Describes the specified object using the directives in the JSON `descriptor`, if available. Args: o: object to describe. fqdn (str): fully-qualified domain name of the object. descriptor (dict): keys are attributes of `o`; values are transform functions to apply to the attribute so that only a single value is returned. Returns: dict: keys are specific attributes tailored to the specific object type, though `fqdn` is common to all descriptions; values are the corresponding attribute values which are *simple* types that can easily be serialized to JSON. """ if descriptor is None or not isinstance(descriptor, dict): return {"fqdn": fqdn} else: result = {"fqdn": fqdn} for attr, desc in descriptor.items(): if attr == "instance": #For instance methods, we repeatedly call instance methods on #`value`, assuming that the methods belong to `value`. value = o else: if '.' in attr: #We get the chain of attribute values. value = o for cattr in attr.split('.'): if hasattr(value, cattr): value = getattr(value, cattr, "") else: break else: #There is just a one-level getattr. value = getattr(o, attr, "") if "transform" in desc: for transform in desc["transform"]: if "numpy" == transform[0:len("numpy")]: value = _numpy_transform(transform, value) elif "scipy" == transform[0:len("scipy")]: value = _scipy_transform(transform, value) elif "math" == transform[0:len("math")]: value = _math_transform(transform, value) elif "self" in transform: args = desc["args"] if "args" in desc else [] kwds = desc["kwargs"] if "kwargs" in desc else {} method = transform[len("self."):] value = _instance_transform(method, value, *args,**kwds) if "slice" in desc: for si, sl in enumerate(desc["slice"]): if ':' in sl: name, slice = sl.split(':') else: name, slice = str(si), sl slvalue = value for i in map(int, slice.split(',')): slvalue = slvalue[i] result[name] = _array_convert(slvalue) else: if "rename" in desc: result[desc["rename"]] = _array_convert(value) else: result[attr] = _array_convert(value) return result